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Category Archives: mental practice
Space, Time, and Deity Redux
Space, Time, and Deity Redux
Posted in Astrophysics, concept space, concepts, Consciousness, Cosmology, Deity, early perception, Emergence, Finite Deity, mental practice, perception, quantum theory, Reality, Reality Considered, Reality Reconsidered, Reduction, Space, spacetime, Technology, Time, Time and Space, Uncategorized, Universe, Why Consciousness
Tagged absolute space, absolute time, Afterlife, Big Bang Theory, Cosmic inflation, Deity, direction of time, does time flow, dynamic accommodation, Emergence, Emergent Life, emergent properties, Evolution, Fine-Tuning Argument, Finite Deity, flow of time, FTA, Groupthink, Higgs, Higher consciousness, Higher dimensions, infinite, infinity, Intersubjective Agreement, Intimate Knowledge, LHC, mental practice, Multiverse, Natural TIme, Perception, qualities of deity, quantum, quantum mechanics, quantum theory, Reality, Reduction, relativity, Scientific Reality, size of the universe, size of universe, specious present, symbolic knowledge, Theories of Everything, theory of relativity, Types of Reality, Universal Consciousness, value-based science, Void, Why consciousness
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History (and other things) Reconsidered
History (and other things) Reconsidered
Posted in American History, American West History, Caliphates, Cholulans, Christianity, Christianity the first 100 years, comparative religion, Conquest of Mexico, Conquest of Mexico Revisited, early Christianity, early Islam, epistemic injustice, George Armstrong Custer, Hernan Cortes, Hernando Cortes, History, History of Mexico, History of Mexico CIty, Islam, Latin American History, life of Jesus, life of Muhammad, Little Bighorn Battle, mental practice, Mexica, Mexico, Montana History, Montezuma, Montezuma II, Omayyad Caliphates, Rashidun Caliphates, Rashidun Caliphs, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Sioux Wars, social epistemology, Spain in the new world, Spanish American History, SPanish Conquests, spread of Christianity, spread of Islam, St Paul, St Peter, The Apostles, Thirty Years War, Tlaxcalans, Umayyad Caliphs
Tagged American West History, Battle of the Litlte Bighorn, First Thirty Years War, First World War, free speech, George Armstrong Custer, Indian wars, Little Bighorn, Second Thirty Years War, Second World War, Sioux Wars, social constructionism, testimonial injustice, tolerance, tyranny of imposition, Wars of Religion
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Introduction to Part 2: Perception and Reality
Posted in early perception, mental practice, perception, Uncategorized
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